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Dec 2011
New Website URL and New Location in Second Life
Posted in General by Pandora Wrigglesworth at 2:33 pm | Comments Off on New Website URL and New Location in Second Life

As you may know, Rendervisions Isle, once home to Curio Obscura in Second Life, has closed down. Any rumors that the closing of Rendervisions Isle was the result of my tapping into the dormant volcano below the island, inadvertently causing it to destabilize, is an outright lie.

But Curio Obscura continues on at the new location in Second Life. The new shop is just a boxy placeholder for now. I am taking advantage of the new mesh support in SL to build a new shop with more space, fancier decorations, exciting new toys, and better weaponry to defeat my enemies.

As a result of the old domain name being snatched up by a domain name warehouse, the Curio Obscura blog has moved to this new URL at www.Curio-Obscura.com. I’m trying to get the old domain name back again but, as yet, I have not been successful so I’m not going to hold my breath. Please update your links to use the new URL at www.Curio-Obscura.com.

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