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Mar 2013
Stackable Hairstyles at the Arcade!
Posted in Creations by Pandora Wrigglesworth at 12:53 am | Comments Off on Stackable Hairstyles at the Arcade!


Why settle for just one hairstyle? Wear as many as you like at once!


Eight gorgeous hairstyles to collect and share!


Every hairstyle has 25 hair colors built-in!


Stack happens by magic – no editing necessary.


Wear just the hairstyle that suits you or Add more hairstyles to mix and match!


Each hairstyle is only L$50 each so you can buy lots and lots!


The Stackable Hairstyle was available exclusively at the Arcade Gachapon Event in Second Life during the month of March but it is now available my shop Curio Obscura in Second Life.


And don’t forget to grab the free Rococo Smoochy Whiteface Make-Up tattoo while you are there!


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