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Other Butterflies Dreaming They Are An Avatar

Thursday, August 8th, 2013
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The Butterflies Dreaming They Are An Avatar is now available in Monarch Butterfly, Blue Swallowtail, Pink Swallowtail, Luna Moth, and Little Bats! All styles are also reduced in price to just L$400 or get the full fatpack for just L$900!

Butterflies Dreaming They Are An Avatar

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
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Through the use of tiny, tiny pocketwatches, we have induced an entire swarm of butterflies to dream that they are an avatar. Or maybe it is an avatar dreaming that it is a swarm of butterflies. Who can say? Guaranteed not to cause thunderstorms! The Butterflies Dreaming They Are An Avatar require a V2-compliant viewer […]