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Curio Obscura appears in Vain, Inc.

Friday, May 2nd, 2008
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Released today, the SL fashion and lifestyle magazine Vain, Inc., Issue 9 featured an article on fancy furniture and, on page 36, the model posing in front of a very nice bed is wearing Curio Obscura’s Clockwork Edwardian Dress and Hat! This marks Curio Obscura’s first appearance in a Second Life magazine! Yay, me! I […]

Clockwork Edwardian Dress and Hat

Thursday, April 17th, 2008
Creations | Comments Off on Clockwork Edwardian Dress and Hat

About this time, I was really starting to get the hang of sculpties. I had used one small for a part in my Clockwork Brain but that was a simple shape that was very close to radial symmetry. Next I wanted to try something a little more challenging. Inspired by Paradise Kiss and Gunnm, I […]