Revisiting the texture of my copper Clockwork Automaton, I created this alpha layer as undershirt, shirt, or jacket. Just the opening, laces, and clockwork are opaque so that the avatars own skin will show through. Clockwork Inside is a nice accessory when you want to show the world that you may be soft and warm […]
People kept asking for a male version of my clockwork skin and I finally got around to modifying it to match. This involved developing a new set of lightmaps, redesigning much of the torso and hip area, and a lot of experimenting with the face since I wanted a more chiseled look there for the […]
One of my first creations for Curio Obscura is still one of my most popular – The Clockwork Automaton Lady skin. This is a robot skin in an old-fashioned clockwork style. While developing this skin, I spent a lot of time looking at Jules Vernes-inspired works and other memorable clockwork robots, including Doctor Who, Howl’s […]