Hair Fair 2010 opens on Saturday, September 4th, 2010 and I will be releasing four completely new hairstyles at the fair. A percentage of all sales of these hairstyles will go to benefit Wigs for Kids, a charity organization that provides hairpieces for children suffering radical hair loss for medical reasons. None of these styles […]
The Innocent Looking "Posing" Platform appears to be just another posing platform but, when someone stands on this platform, metal clamps suddenly lock into place and the hidden motors spin the platform upside-down, dangling the user by their feet until the clamps release, dropping them to the ground below. The perfect escape route or a […]
Just one more day until Hair Fair 2009 opens on Saturday, June 20th, 2009 and I will be releasing three completely new hairstyles at the fair. 50% of all sales of these hairstyles will go to benefit Locks Of Love, a charity organization that provides hairpieces for children suffering radical hair loss for medical reasons. […]
Always be on time by BEING time! The Clock Poseball is a simple poseball which will turn the person who uses it into a clock. Simply place it in the world and then have someone sit on it and their hands will point to the correct time. To set the timezone, type the correct timezone […]
The Orrery Lamp that has been lighting the second floor of the Curio Obscura is now available for purchase! It has been enhanced to work as a single object with low-impact client-side rotation which accurately models the orbital periods of the inner planets of the Solar System. This orrery looks great on the ceiling or […]
The Camera Hat may look like the Topter Hat when worn but, when activated, it flies off of your head on its own. Your admirers will gasp in awe as they watch your hat swoop about the room, tracking your client camera, then fly back to perch upon your noggin once more.
Released today, the SL fashion and lifestyle magazine Vain, Inc., Issue 9 featured an article on fancy furniture and, on page 36, the model posing in front of a very nice bed is wearing Curio Obscura’s Clockwork Edwardian Dress and Hat! This marks Curio Obscura’s first appearance in a Second Life magazine! Yay, me! I […]
Revisiting the texture of my copper Clockwork Automaton, I created this alpha layer as undershirt, shirt, or jacket. Just the opening, laces, and clockwork are opaque so that the avatars own skin will show through. Clockwork Inside is a nice accessory when you want to show the world that you may be soft and warm […]
I don’t think these entries are really in chronological order. Now that I think about it, I think I made the Topter Hat before I made the first version of the BroomCycle since they both use the same script technique for detecting when the player begins and ends flying. The Topter Hat is a top […]
People kept asking for a male version of my clockwork skin and I finally got around to modifying it to match. This involved developing a new set of lightmaps, redesigning much of the torso and hip area, and a lot of experimenting with the face since I wanted a more chiseled look there for the […]